Rabbi Alan Flam
Rabbi Alan Flam Rabbi Flam leads the Soulful Shabbat Project, a Renewal Minyan that utilizes silence, gentle yoga, chanting, davvening and Torah study as the backbone of worship. Soulful Shabbat meets in Providence bi-monthly for Shabbat worship, and for High Holy Days at Temple Emanu-El. Flam came to Rhode Island in 1982 to be the Rabbi at Brown University. He served as Executive Director of Brown RISD Hillel and University Chaplain until 2000. From 2000 to 2016 he was Senior Fellow at Brown University’s Swearer Center for Public Service where he worked on issues facing low-income Rhode Islanders with a special focus on homelessness and housing. He recently stepped down as Executive Director of the Helen Hudson Foundation for Homeless America. Rabbi Flam is actively involved with the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless and the RI Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty. He is a past President of the RI Board of Rabbis and has also served on the Boards of the Dorcas international Institute, Economic Progress Institute and the United Way.